[TUTORIAL] How to create a hallmarked node (and also: run a local client)

Discussion in 'Support' started by Pharesim, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Pharesim Administrator

    Copied from the bct announcement and updated, thanks to fsonex (NHZ: 17739991969236383404) for writing the original!

    The following steps provide an overview of getting started with NHZ and setting up a hallmarked server node. To run a local client without hallmark you only need to follow steps 1, 3 and 4.
    Linux users may want to check out the notes on the bottom of this post first.

    • Step 1 - Install Java 7
    • Step 2 - Add you public IP Address to conf file
    • Step 3 - Run NHZ
    • Step 4 - Create NHZ Account
    • Step 5 - Create your Node Hallmark
    • Step 6 - Update the NHZ conf file with hallmark
    • Step 7 - Open Port 7774
    • Step 8 - Run the hallmarked NHZ

    See below for detailed instructions for each step…

    Step 1 - Install Java 7 (server and local)

    • (Linux Users)? ? ? ? Type "apt-get install openjdk-7-jre" in a Terminal Window
    • (Windows Users)? ? Download Java 7 from http://www.java.com/en/download/
    • Unzip the file

    Step 2 - Add you public IP Address to conf file (server)

    • Open the conf/nhz-default.properties file for editing
      (Windows users: do not use notepad. Get notepad++,
      Linux users can use nano (nano -w conf/nhz-default.properties) or vim.)

    • Update the "nhz.myAddress=" parameter with your Public IP Address and save

    ? ? ?

    Step 3 - Run NHZ (local)

    • Open a Terminal Window
    • Navigate to the nhz_v3.x directory
    • (Linux Users)? ? ? ? Type "./run.sh" in the Terminal Window ("chmod +x run.sh" before to make it executable)
    • (Windows Users)? ? Type "run.bat" in the Terminal Window
    ? ?
    ? ?
    Step 4 - Create NHZ Account (local)

    • Open a browser window and enter "localhost:7776" as the address

    • Click on "Returning user"

    • Enter your secret passphrase into the Account Dialog and hit <enter>, (or click the "unlock account" button)

    It is strongly urged that your passphrase is at least 35 characters and made up of random words and numbers. It's the only thing needed to access your account, so it is in your best interest to make it a difficult to crack as possible.

    • Your account number is displayed in the upper left

    Step 5 - Create your node hallmark (local)

    • Open a browser window and enter "localhost:7776/admin.html" as the address

    • Enter your public IP address and secret phrase, then click the "Submit" button. You can use the same secret phrase for multiple servers, but the ip always needs to be the one of the server

    • Your custom Hallmark will be displayed beneath the Submit button

    ? ? ? ? ?
    Step 6 - Update the NHZ server conf file with hallmark (server)

    • Open the nhz_v3.x/conf/nhz-default.properties file for editing (Windows users already know they mustn't use notepad)

    • Update the "nhz.myHallmark=" parameter with the Hallmark generated in Step 5 and save

    Step 7 - Open Port 7774 (server)

    • (Linux Users)? ? ? ? Type "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 7774 -j ACCEPT" in a terminal window
    • (Windows Users)? ? Varies depending on your router instructions

    Step 8 - Run the hallmarked NHZ (server)

    • If you already started the server in Step 3, shut it down (CTRL+C)
    • Restart the server using the same instructions as Step 3

    That's it...you should now be setup as a hallmarked server node. You can check after some minutes at http://explorer.nhzcrypto.org/?page=nodecheck

    Additional notes for Linux users:

    You don't necessarily need to run a local instance - connect to your server using ssh-tunneling to forward the necessary ports to your local machine (the example below forwards remote 7776 to local 17776).
    Be aware that entering your passphrase on a VPS instance is a security risk. Although it's difficult and improbable, your account could be hacked by someone having access to the server through extracting the passphrase from memory. Use your local instance when possible!
    ssh -L17776:localhost:7776 user@host

    If you want the server to run as a background process use screen (install if not available)
    screen -S nhz
    CTRL+A D (to disconnect from the session. The process keeps running until you reboot)
    to reconnect to session: screen -r nhz
  2. I wanted to contribute hallmark, and all the linux install process is finished, what next?
  3. Hallmarked NHZ work in my server
    tutorial for install I followed the guide http://forum.nhzcrypto.org/index.php/topic,6.0.html
  4. tuanvie.. tuanvie.. can you help me to learn how to create? hallmarked node step by step? whats is your facebook? may i add you?
  5. running hallmarked more than one in in one account it acceptable ?
  6. Pharesim Administrator

    Yes, you can use the same account for an unlimited number of nodes. Each node needs an own hallmark with its correct ip though!
  7. if every swallow is already installed must be confirmed to the admin?

    and whether any new node will finish the install "our Data?
    how long this process usually

  8. Pharesim Administrator

    Shouldn't take longer than 12 hours usually. Message cbkr if it exceeds that time.
  9. For those just setting up accounts with Digital Ocean. It's very simple.

    I have 5 DO nodes running and they work great...when setting up an account, I chose the $5 debian server out of the NY 2 venue. I suggest that you choose the server closer to your home but any will work.

    Please let me know if you have any questions. To receive a $10 credit, please use my referral link: https://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=62cc90651ccf

    (shameless plug for server fee top-ups? ;D)
  10. where I paste the second hallmark? show me conf file with two or more nodes
  11. What do you mean two or more nodes? Are you trying to run multiple nodes from a single IP address?

    Only one node per IP address.
  12. how to use androi nhz node? observer
  13. how to use nhz node observer for androi, i tried to downloaded the app
  14. The nodecheck page:

    Has claimed a "Last payout" timestamp for my hallmark node for a few hours now. However I don't see any payment for my account.

    Is it normal to have to wait a while before I see a transaction? Thanks!
  15. yes this is normal
    my's last payout is -300 min or -733m
  16. Thanks for the reply! To clarify my question though, I did get negative "Uptime until next payout" timestamps for a long time, and I knew to expect them. Since last night though, the nodecheck page said I got paid (Last payout: 2014-11-25 04:43:02), but I'm not seeing the payment. Is that part normal? Thanks again!
  17. Hi, i have the same problem. The nodecheck page said that all my nodes got paid 2014-11-25 between 03:56 and 10:38 UTC, but i got nothin in my address. It seems that the last reward send by the node bounty address was at 2014-11-25 02:25:59 UTC. Is there some problem with the hallmark reward script?
  18. I'm starting to get payments for 327.9763857 - presumably for my hallmark nodes - so I think things are on track, just late!
  19. Me too, it's all good.
  20. I said
    everything is normal

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