500 MH Mining Asset - ID 1144726109161782462

Discussion in 'Assets And Asset Exchange' started by horizonmining, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. This is a 500 MH/s Mining Operations Asset. ID 1144726109161782462
    The Asset will Constist of 500.000 Parts each Part is equal to 1Kh/s mining Power.
    The Mining Income will be distributed weekly.

    The Income from the Mininig Operation will be paid as follow:
    5% Asset Operation and handling Cost will be deducted from weekly Income.

    30% will be reinvested to keep up with the Diff.
    65% will be paid in NHZ to the Asset Holder.

    Sunday is the Payday for Asset Income. Assets will be automaticaly Distributed via Dividens+

    The Mining Operations will be run for 12 Month. Disclaimer: Cryto Currencys and Asset Trading in General are a risky Business. Don't invest something you cannot afford to lose
  2. Payout Sunday 23.11.2014

  3. Payout Sunday 30.11.2014

  4. Payout Sunday 07.12.2014

  5. Sunday 14.12.2014 Mining Results

  6. payouts have been processed.
  7. If the asset expires after 12 months then why are we reinvesting?
  8. Crypto is changing so fast, just go back 12 Month and you will find a completly different Picture than we have today.
    Since there will be a buyback @50% of Issue Price of the issued Assets the Math should be easy ;)
  9. So I invest in your asset get 65% of the income (which, if I am lucky, is stable) then at the end of the year you pay me 50% of the Issue price and walk away with the Bitcoin mine we built up which is close to peak operating performance.

    I do not get it. What am I missing?
  10. you get an Asset which will ROI in 2o Weeks + you will get the buyback at the End. thats the Deal.
  11. Sunday 21.12.2014 Payment

  12. Payout Run completed, all Dividens are payed.
  13. sunday 28.12.2014 payouts

  14. all Payments have been processed
  15. I received payment ! It works :)
  16. Sunday Payment Plan 04.01.2015

  17. one of the Big Asset Holder Account got hacked and the Shares were transferd to
    Account NHZ-YGD2-8HJW-CD3G-3JHMR

    This transferd Assets are now be Blacklisted and will not get paid anymore. I will speak to the HZ Core Team if we can mark that Adress as "Scammer".
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015 at 12:48 PM

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